Shout! Stay Real Color Review | The Ultimate Slow Pitch Jig?
Slow pitch jigs come in an astounding number of shapes and sizes, but in my opinion, almost no company is making them better than Shout! and none of their jigs are better than the Shout! Stay Real Color slow pitch jig. In this review I am going to go over why I believe that every jig bag should include at least a couple of these.
Table of Contents
Shout! Stay Real Color Overview
The Stay lineup of slow pitch jigs is made by the company Shout!, a Japanese company that is pushing the boundaries of slow pitch jigging. The real color series of Stay jigs takes their already deadly offering and makes it even better. It is without a doubt, one of my favorite slow pitch jigs. It’s just too versatile to ignore.
The company’s website is entirely in Japanese and shipping times are long. If you live in the U.S., you can order them from domestic stores like Tomo’s Tackle ( a store that I highly recommend visiting if you live in the northeast) or can be found on Amazon.
Read on to find out why I believe this jig deserves room in your bag.
Body Shape

The triangular shape of the Stay! Real Color Slow Pitch Jig gives it a very tight and fast wobble on the descent. One side of the jig is flat and the other comes to a peak.
The shape also allows the jig to sink faster than most other slow pitch jigs, opening up possibilities in high current situations.


The Shout! Stay is a front weighted jig, which when combined with the body shape makes for some really impressive hangtime. Every pitch sends the jig flying upward and into a glide before wobbling back down.
The action is exaggerated in heavy current and can hang so long you might think you got hit.
Because of its front weighted body, you could also use this as a casting jig, it will have a side to side swimming action when retrieved. This can be deadly effective for fish like striped bass or kingfish.
You could even troll it if you wanted.
Sizes and Colors

The Shout! Stay real color slow pitch jig is available in a number of sizes and colors.
Available sizes:
- 100g
- 130g
- 160g
- 200g
- 250g
Real Colors:
- Mackerel
- Herring
- Sardine
- Carangid(Jack)
- Saury
Original Stay slow pitch jig is available in 12 other colors and 9 sizes
The bottom line is that if you are into slow pitch jigging, then the Shout! Stay real color is a jig that absolutely must be in your bag. It’s versatility and fish attracting looks make for a lure that you simply should not be without and has earned a permanent spot in my bag.

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