In Depth Review of Real VR Fishing for the Oculus Quest Plus Discount Code
Real VR Fishing Review
In this article, I will be reviewing something a little different than I normally do. I have been playing a ton of Real VR Fishing on the Quest 3 lately and it has been a joy. If you want to skip the review and get straight to the savings, you can click the link below for a Real VR Fishing discount of 25%. If you are still on the fence, read on.
Table of Contents
First things first, the graphics. Holy mackerel, it’s like they’ve bottled up the great outdoors and poured it right into the VR headset. The water glistens under the sun, the trees sway gently in the breeze – it’s so realistic, you’d half expect to feel the wind on your face. And the fish? They’re so lifelike, I almost felt bad catching them. Almost.

There is no easier way to get a close up look at fish species from around the world. Where else can you get land based wahoo?

The gameplay is relaxing and addictive. I still remember the first time a shark grabbed my line while I was reeling in a fish. I went from relaxed to exhilarated instantly.
You start your journey in the game with just a simple spinning setup and some bait. From there it is pretty straight forward, you cast your line like you would normally and wait for a bite. You will feel nibbles and see the rod twitch.
Once you set the hook you will see this radial image with red and blue on either end.

Your goal is to reel the fish in while keeping the indicator between the red and the blue. Sounds easy right? It is except that many fish will run and jump.
When they run, you need to move your rod in the direction that the arrow indicates, opposite of the fishes movement, and stop reeling. You can see in this image that I was doing a poor job.

Sometimes fish, especially large fish, will jump out of the water, thats when you need to whip your rod in the opposite direction that the fish jumped. You can see an example of this and how the fishing works in general in the video below.
After catching a fish, you have a choice of letting it go for some XP so that you can level up and catch bigger fish, or keep the fish for money and the opportunity to put it in your aquarium. You can spend your money on new baits, lures and gear or on cosmetics like clothing and furniture or a new boat.

The game currently features more than 100 fishing locations across South Korea, Japan and the United States with more being added regularly.
Some of these locations are jaw droppingly gorgeous and feature random occurrences like whales jumping or fireflies appearing around you, even weather. It really puts the real in Real VR Fishing.
These are actual in game screenshots!
Fish Species
There are literally several hundreds of species of fish to catch, some much easier than others and many you’ve probably never heard of, all beautifully rendered in VR. Small fish you can hold up to your face and get a good look. Bigger fish just plop onto the ground or the deck of your boat.
The species range from tiny minnows all the way up to giant sharks.

The Good
Man, where do I even start with the cool stuff in ‘Real VR Fishing’? First off, you’ve got this awesome feature where you can jam to your own tunes, catch up on YouTube videos, or even watch a movie while you’re fishing. It’s like having your own personal lakeside cabin, decked out with all your favorite entertainment.
And for those of you who love a bit of competition, there are monthly leaderboards with some sweet rewards for the top anglers. It adds a nice spice of challenge to the game, keeping things exciting and giving you bragging rights when you land at the top.
But wait, there’s more! You can collect different boats, each with their own style and vibe. It’s like building your own virtual boat showroom. And my personal favorite – the giant aquarium. You can fill it up with the fish you’ve caught, turning it into a living trophy room of your fishing achievements.
Playing together with friends is simple and a ton of fun. All players will appear together in the same location and can see and talk to one another and admire each other’s catches.
The Bad
One aspect where the game could use some improvement is in its selection of baits. Currently, the variety feels a bit limited, and some choices don’t quite align with what you’d expect in real-life fishing scenarios. For instance, using dough balls to fish for tarpon, or aiming for lake trout in Central Park, strikes as somewhat unrealistic for seasoned anglers.
However, this quirk is a small ripple in an otherwise seamless experience. It’s more of a curious mismatch than a game-breaking issue, and it certainly doesn’t detract from the overall enjoyment and relaxation the game provides. Plus, with the game’s ongoing updates and expansions, there’s always the potential for more realistic and diverse bait options down the line. So, while the bait selection might raise an eyebrow among the fishing purists, it’s a minor note in what is otherwise a fantastic virtual fishing journey
The Verdict
Real VR Fishing is absolutely worth picking up if you have a Quest VR headset and even a mild interest in fishing. The realism will surprise you, immersing you in a virtual fishing experience that’s as close to the real thing as it gets without having to leave your living room. With its stunning graphics, lifelike physics, and a variety of scenic locations, it’s a game that’s as relaxing as it is engaging.
The sheer volume of content, from different fish species to diverse fishing spots, ensures that ‘Real VR Fishing’ remains fresh and exciting. Whether you’re a solo angler seeking a peaceful escape or looking to compete with friends in the multiplayer mode, there’s more than enough to keep any couch fisherman busy for a long while.
Future updates and expansions promise to add even more depth to this already rich game, making it not just a one-time adventure but a virtual hobby that grows and evolves with you.
In conclusion, ‘Real VR Fishing’ isn’t just a game; it’s an experience. It’s a testament to how far VR gaming has come, offering a blend of tranquility, realism, and fun that’s hard to find elsewhere. So, if you’re ready to cast your line into virtual waters and reel in something spectacular, ‘Real VR Fishing’ is waiting for you.
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